Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers
Dumpster Rentals, Seven-day rental.
What size dumpster do I need?
Prices will vary on the length of your rental, your location, our cost to dump at local locations and the weight of materials. per ton charges will apply.
Our services include rental, delivery, pickup, disposal, and dump fees included.
Our employees provide a fast reliable friendly service.

How we work

Contact us our dumpster consultants are skilled at providing the best solution for the choosing the right dumpster for your project.
Schedule dumpster delivery: On the day of your scheduled appointment, J-BOX Team will contact you anytime within 2 hours of the appointment for delivery. Our team is skilled for fast friendly delivery. For faster delivery please have the dumpster site clear.
Schedule dumpster pickup: We offer a seven-day rental period. We do offer an additional per day rental fee for $10.
Unless contacted for additional rental days.
Our team will schedule for dumpster pickup on the 7th of rental. Please have the dumpster ready for pickup.
We make hard projects easier to handle our services include rental, delivery, pickup, disposal, and dump fees included.

What items can you load into the dumpster?

Construction Debris
Household items
Yard Waste

Items we do notĀ accept.

DO NOT ACCEPT are hazardous materials. Including batteries, explosives, chemicals, florescent light bulbs, gasoline, liquids, items containing liquid, oils, paints, railroad ties, solvents, asbestosĀ or asbestos containing materials. DO NOT ACCEPT bricks, concrete, and bricks. No Motor Vehicle parts.

*Hazardous Disposal Fee, if there are any hazardous or prohibited materials in your dumpster rental load, an additional fee will be charged.
*Overflow fee, dumpster rental drivers can’t legally transport overloaded containers this includes any materials sticking over the top or hanging over the dumpster. Be sure to leave adequate space to avoid overflow charges.
*Overloading fee, each dumpster comes with a max tonnage weight, if you exceed that tonnage limit, you will be charged additional fees.

Areas we serve.
Snohomish County, King County,
* Taxes will be charged accordingly
*Charges will apply accordingly

Acceptable forms of payments